Support for Partners
The violation of childhood sexual abuse affects not only the survivor but also the relationship with a partner. The profound betrayal of trust that occurs when a child is sexually abused often creates a ripple effect of disruption and mistrust that extends into close adult relationships creating barriers to emotional and physical intimacy.
Quite often, the needs of the partner are overlooked as the survivor struggles to work through the pain of sexual abuse. Partners may often find themselves balancing between the empathic desire to help and support their survivor partner and feeling neglected or even resentful that their needs are overshadowed in the relationship.
Many partners of survivors find that seeking out their own support through individual therapy with a knowledgeable therapist is helpful to provide a space to focus on their own personal and relationship struggles.
Joining with other partners who are also dealing with the effects of childhood sexual abuse in their relationship can offer safety, validation, education, and support. The Partner support group is a mixed gender group offering partners of sexual abuse survivors an opportunity to meet others who are dealing with relationships that are stressed by CSA issues. The format of the group includes sharing time, an educational component and time to ask questions, all in a supportive space.
RPC's partner support groups offer partners a way for partners to focus on their own needs within the context of their relationship with a survivor. Many partners find that the support and validation of the partner support group is invaluable in maintaining their own stability as their partner deals with the effects of childhood sexual abuse.
This group is open to all partners of survivors whether or not your partner is an active client at RPC. The meeting format includes sharing time, an educational component, and time to ask questions, all in a supportive space.
The Partner Support Group meets on a weekday evening for successive 8-week cycles. Your partner need not be a client at RPC to join this group.
Cost $45 per session.
Contact: Amanda Franklin, Clinical Coordinator, 206.323.7131.
It's been wonderful to find a group of people who understand what this process is like for partners.